пятница, 12 ноября 2010 г.

Marburg Kunsthandwerkmarkt 2010: part 3 Wood, Leather, Ceramics. / Дерево, кожа, керамика.

У меня создаётся впечатление, что в Германии больше других любят натуральные материаллы. Дерева, кожи, керамики было много.

I have impression, that in Germany natural materials as wood, ceramics or leather are partially in favour.
There were many of such things at the exhibition.

Керамика. Тёплая и домашняя. Такие чашки я ценю особенно в дождливую погоду.
Ceramics, I love such cosy cups, especially in rayni weather.

Wood and a surprise.
Дерево и ещё и сюрприз.

and... a surprise:I didn't expect to see Birch Bark. I always thought, that it is very Russian material. But it is not only Russian :))

и... меня ожидал сюрприз: Береста! Всегда думала, что это очень русский материал, ан нет :)
Кожа. Почти не фотографировала сумки, но они замечательные - хотелось все и сразу!

Leather. I didn't make much photos of bags - They were so lovely and I wanted to bye some of them, but couldn't make a final choice.

2 комментария:

  1. Dear Olga
    How nice that you show one more entry to the exhibition :-)

    Ceramics and porcelain, wood, leather, glass, stone and the basket makers have a long tradition in Germany.

    You show very nice work I also like genre.
    The leather-vessels are also working well.

    Last year I was at a traditional Swedish exhibition -
    Here you can view it in two episodes:



    Best wishes
